Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Number 4

If you are reading this Stephanie, I'm sure you will laugh at this, but I don't mind being silly. I embrace my silliness. I just took a pregnancy test today and it was positive!! Okay, so I can't be any more than about 4 weeks pregnant, but I've never been able to keep this news to myself. So, from now on, I can stop saying, "No, I'm just fat" when asked if I'm pregnant, which actually happens more than it should. :( No one needs to know that it is still just fat! I'm excited though. Maybe I'll be lucky and get a girl.
If you look hard, you can see the faint's honestly there. It's supposed to be the horizontal (from this angle) line in the +. It really is there...I swear!


Joanne said...

whoooo hoooooo Yippee for you guys and I do hope you get a girl! ( everyone deserves at least one I say!) now if I could only get another boy....congrats again!

Kathy T. said...

Horray for you!!!! I love the excuse of pregnancy - no weight worries... big is beautiful!


Randa said...

CONGRATS!! Just think both amy and stephanie had to wait for number four for variety! Probability is looking good for you =)

Nancy said...

Congrts!!!! Maybe I'll give you back the pink diaper bag for good luck!!!! That will be the baby shower gift, plus a really cute frilly outfit, HeHe!!!!!!

mishel said...

Kristen!!!Congrats, that's awesome! No comment on the girl thing...apparently we lost the recipe...not that I'm complaining any. We wouldn't trade Joey for a million girls! A word of advice...what ever the ultrasound people tell you...they lie!! ha,ha!

Stephanie said...

When you said Stephanie did you mean me?! I'm so confused. I am all for posting stuff you pee on LOL.
I hope you are feeling great and I am sure you are looking good too.

The Gilmours said...

Congrats!!! I love how I can blame my absent mindedness on pregancy brain and can satify my chocolate cravings. Enjoy!