Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Declarations of Love

This morning, I got to go help out at Colby's kindergarten class. Colby's class is really big, 28 kids I believe. They get parents to come help every day. Today, I was helping an adorable little Filipino boy Boris (it's his dad's name) with his lunch. As I was doing this, he rubbed my tummy and said something to me. His English isn't exactly perfect and I thought that he said, " You look really full," which I would totally expect from a little kid. I do look 'full'! This wasn't what he said though. He pulled me down and whispered it in my ear the second time so I would hear him. He repeated, "You look beautiful." He made my heart melt! What a cutie. It made my day.

As I was wiping desks off after lunch, another little boy, Kaden, told me a story about Colby. He said that Colby gave him a toy one day. I told him that I thought that was nice. He then said he gave Colby a tip. "A tip?" I asked. "Yes, like a dollar?!" he said, looking at me like I was slow in the head. Wow...I didn't realize that kindergarten kids are making deals for their toys on the playground. So cute. I thoroughly enjoyed my morning at Colby's kindergarten.