Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Declarations of Love

This morning, I got to go help out at Colby's kindergarten class. Colby's class is really big, 28 kids I believe. They get parents to come help every day. Today, I was helping an adorable little Filipino boy Boris (it's his dad's name) with his lunch. As I was doing this, he rubbed my tummy and said something to me. His English isn't exactly perfect and I thought that he said, " You look really full," which I would totally expect from a little kid. I do look 'full'! This wasn't what he said though. He pulled me down and whispered it in my ear the second time so I would hear him. He repeated, "You look beautiful." He made my heart melt! What a cutie. It made my day.

As I was wiping desks off after lunch, another little boy, Kaden, told me a story about Colby. He said that Colby gave him a toy one day. I told him that I thought that was nice. He then said he gave Colby a tip. "A tip?" I asked. "Yes, like a dollar?!" he said, looking at me like I was slow in the head. Wow...I didn't realize that kindergarten kids are making deals for their toys on the playground. So cute. I thoroughly enjoyed my morning at Colby's kindergarten.


Stephanie said...

These are the days you need to remember. The sweetest most simple words from the hearts of kids.

and their business skills at such an early age.

Kathy T. said...

That is so fantastic! Colby's mom has got it going on!!!

Sweet kids are the best!