Thursday, September 23, 2010

Colby vs. Prayer

I know I haven't blogged in a really long time. I'll try to expound later on. BUT, right now, I have to share another Colby story.

Dad: "Colby, please say family prayer."
Colby: "I forgot how."
Dad: "Mom can help you."
Colby: "Never mind. Arg!"

Colby: "Dear Heavenly Father, we are thankful for (aside to Kaye - I can't think of anything).
Dad: "This day."
Colby: "This day. And please bless I won't have to say prayers again tomorrow night. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

What a little butt. I think I'm really going to have to worry about him later on in life.


Kathy T. said...

Hahaha! Funny boy! I hope you guys are doing well. Love your new blog design. And your flashy button.

Stephanie said...

HAHA!! Well.... he knows how to pray for what he wants at least ;)

Randa said...

he he he well he is sincerely talking to God about his desires - clearly you are winning!

Kimara said...

What a cute little stinker! It doean't get better with age London still claims everyday that she just did it Yesterday! Kids!

Nancy said...

as worried as you might be that pray was totally awesome!!!!!!!