Thursday, March 19, 2009


Now, I realize that I do have a significant amount of time left until this new one comes...BUT Kaye and I CANNOT find a name that we both like. Literally, not even 1. I have given him options like you wouldn't believe and he says he hates ALL of them. I am flummoxed.

Names that I really like are:

  1. Rhys (as in Reece)
  2. Finn
  3. Luca
  4. Declan
  5. Sawyer
  6. Rafe
  7. Lachlan
  8. Bodhi
  9. Henry
  10. Pacey...I know, I know, that really is how much I love him! (Sidenote...totally had a dream last night that I was Joey and Pacey and Dawson were fighting over me. :=) I'm such a geek!
  11. Cullen
  12. Deacon
  13. And even though I don't think I could ever name my child this..I LOVE it! Etienne! It's just so, so, so, romantic? Is that the right word? You know what I mean.
  14. Seamus (though I think that it's just to close too Marcus but I love the name)
  15. Jasper

Either way, I think that I've tried pretty hard to find something there. Kaye on the other hand thinks that my choices are total crap.

I think that I need a little help. Any names that you totally love, throw them out. Maybe Kaye might actually like a name...or two. I just don't want to be sitting there in the hospital room being pushed into something stupid that I don't even know that I like. This is one of those key choices in life that you want to get right, you know?

Anyway, calling all those with opinions. Bring it on!


mishel said...

I think you should name him Brody. But that's just my two cents! It'll be cute no matter what you pick.

Stephanie said...

Well, if Tessa came out a boy I was gonna go with Jace. Simple yet obviously cool right?
I also am down with Deacon LOVE LOVE that name!!!
Tell Kaye he doesn't have a choice. When he pushes out the watermelon - he can have more of a say ;)

Joanne said...

I like Declan and Jace. How about cohen??? i"m loving that right now too. Didn't we go thru this with Elijiah and you went in a totally opposite direction??? oh ya Spencer Robert. there we go ! good luck.

Kathy T. said...

Man- names are soooo hard to get just right!!!!

I will get back to you on suggestions - but hang in there and don't stress... also just keep hinting the names you like - you might be surprised when Kaye comes up with a "suggestion" that's one of your names.(hee,hee)

Randa said...

theres always my little brothers suggestion. He likes Anubis - it means god of death! What little boy wouldn't love it and tell EVERYONE what it means!! Just get ready for a lot of calls from the school councillor =)

Nancy said...

I love your blog, I always loved the name Hunter!! Soory to hear about another boy and your sister having a girl!!! On the other hand my brother and his wife can't seem to have boys, four girls and counting, He He!!!!!

Kathy T. said...

Here are a few of my unusual suggestions,

Kasen or Kaeson
Rally or Raleigh
Jones - (Russ really liked this name)
Russ - (This is also Russ' suggestion)