Saturday, September 20, 2008

Well isn't that awkward....

I was at the grocery store yesterday when I came across a flyer advertising the grand opening of Trochu Fitness. I was SUPER excited. Maybe now, I thought, I could be motivated enough to get into shape.

I was terribly surprised and disappointed when I learned WHERE the new fitness place was. It was the PARK!! What? How weird is that? Tell me, who has ever heard of an outdoor gym?

Now obviously, I will not start working out there. It is right in front the water park and swimming pool and right off Main Street. say the least!!!

That isn't to say we couldn't go there for a laugh though. This morning, Maeggan and I decided to head out to the "gym" for a bit of a mock work out. SO FUNNY! It really was too much fun.

Aren't you jealous. I mean, a work out for free! Although, you will have to pay with the embarrassment you will feel by working your buns off in front of anyone who wants to watch!

Who would've thunk. Definitely NOT me. It never would've occurred to me to have fitness equipment in the park. It is funny though. I can't wait to see who frequents it. ;)

Can anyone enlighten me as to what the heck this wheelie thingy is? Maeggan and I were super confused!


Randa said...

I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THE CONFUSION ABOUT THE WHEELIE THING! maybe its some sort of wax on wax off thing?

Nancy said...

Love your face kristen!!! Gym equipment outside, sounds pretty crazy to me, although the yellow and red colors are something to behold. If people walking or driving by don't notice you the colors will definelty catch their eye!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh boy you must be living outside a city! You haven't heard that its the new thing to do! They have gym equipment at the park so that when you take your kids to play you can "get fit" its become huge down here!

Joanne said...

that is the funniest thing and I'm so glad you tried it out AND got pictures. I am totally lovin' your new couch. I am "coveting" so good for you for getting a fab deal. !!! ps I"m totally loving your blog.